People tend to search the hidden things, rather than looking at what is obvious. People tend to look at what’s unreachable, than treasuring what they already own. In a way, it produce competitive mind where you always set a goal after another. In another way, it kept you wanting more and more and will never get you satisfied.
I’m in no authority to speak on religious issues. But it’s more on the responsibility towards ‘ilm or knowledge. The responsibility of sharing it to others, rather than keeping it to yourself.
Qana’a is a sense of feeling enough with what Allah give to us after we tried hard. Qana’a will restrain you from seeing things which aren’t yours. I once read an article when I was in secondary school. It says something like challenges for muslims change according to the phases of life. Adults will eventually face the challenge of controlling greed.
I can’t make myself to think that someday, I’ll be greedy. Such as for money, cars, houses, handbags. I was too naïve eventually. Those challenges will come on its time and I’m having a glimpse of it during my age right now. People said I grew fast. You know why? Because I live with adults around me. And experience IS a big teacher.
That is why qana’a is so important. It keeps you rooted when your ambitions are flying high up in the sky. It gives you the chance to dream big, but at the same time be redha with what you have or get. When at times, you feel like people live better than you, please, please do realize than billions of people live worse than you are now.
I think it’s important to keep reminding yourself to be grateful. Because insaan do always forget. Always. That of course will include me. Therefore, this month of Ramadhan is the best madrasah tarbiyyah for us to control our shahwah while instilling qana’a in ourselves insyaAllah. This will remind us of our position as mere servant of Allah, just the same as everyone else.
And at the end of the day, only piety that differentiates us all. Wallahu’alam.