Monday, July 11, 2011


Being the youngest in the family doesn’t mean that you are the most spoilt. I object the idea, but somehow it depends on the person. You still can be a spoilt brat even if you’re the eldest. I’ve seen few. But there are lots of youngest child that are mature and sort of independent. That’s the way most of my friends are. You know why? Because being the youngest, you have a huge opportunity to be left alone in the house with your parents. Got what I mean? When all of your elder siblings went to work or study, you got a high chance to be the only child.

But doesn’t that mean you can be much spoiler? (heh, spoiler?) I mean more pampered. In a way, yeah it is possible. But thinking about the chores, you can choose to be an adult. Unless your mom is the super duper mom a.k.a supreme cook a.k.a work machine who does all the chores by herself without asking for her daughter’s help and end up raising a good-for-nothing wife-to-be. Haha boleh pulak. In a way, I once dreamt of having a mom like that where I can goyang kaki sambil tengok TV and tunggu nasik masak sambil order nak makan apa.

But I am much grateful to have a working mom that teaches me that the house is the responsibility of every member in it. And I end up knowing how a house should run (except the laundry work yang memang selamanya irritating). Because seeing the married life of my sisters, I know they benefited a lot from how our house works. And it won’t happen if our mom did not put her trust in her daughters. I mean, I started invading the kitchen since I was eleven (which is quite lambat cause my sister can cook chicken soup when she was only 10!).

And I started experimenting nasi goreng and bihun goreng which end up being bubur nasi and bihun sup. Haha. But my mom still laughs because she knows I’ll find the way eventually. And yes Alhamdulillah I do. But never will be the expert who starts her career earlier which is my sister. Haha. And suami sayang jugak kalau tak pandai masak? Cut the crap, you still have to cook anyway and it is better if you can do it well. Screw cerita melayu yang suami senyum sayang sayang even ikan goreng hangit and sup masin. At first ok la, hari hari?

Adoi, I don’t intend to speak about marriage life satgi orang cakap gatal. Hehe. But the main point is, there are some people who refute the need of a woman knowing how to cook by comparing to the guy knowing how to be the imam. You know what? Both are mandatory la dear. I always believe that:

Tinggi-tinggi mana pun seseorang wanita itu terbang, last-last hinggap di ceruk dapur juga (bersama asap, peluh, keringat dan kesan lecuran) Sekian.